Welcome to the Seward High School Library!

Our library is many things to many people.  Libraries are no longer quiet places just to check out books and do research.  For one person it may be their classroom.  For another it’s a computer lab, a study hall, a place to read, to socialize or check out a camera for their school project.  Our library is regularly used for testing and taking surveys.  It is used for community meetings, trainings and events.

The SHS Library is located in the center of the school on the first floor.  Within the library is the AV room where staff and students can check out AV equipment.

There is an office for the library aide (3.5 hr./day position) as there is no librarian on staff.  A second office is used by the school psychologist, an ELL tutor and a SeaView Community Services counselor.  We have a classroom computer lab with a smart board and in total there are 34 computers available for student use.  In the lab, the computers are programmed with Photo Shop and Microsoft Flight.  All computers have access to the World Book Encyclopedia database.

Besides our collection of fiction and nonfiction books, students can also log onto to the KPBSD’s digital library from a computer, tablet or smart phone.  Seward High has all of it’s textbooks barcoded and checked out through the library.  This system holds students accountable for their textbooks.

After school, Seward High provides a certified teacher to keep the library open for tutoring.  This service is available to all students.

There are many more technological advances we are hoping to integrate in our library in the next couple of years.  More exciting news to come!


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